This is my third time in a row making summer kimchi at home. I stuff a 1 gallon container with bright red, pungent, sour, spicy cabbage, and after letting it ferment at room temp for 2 days on the counter, the lot of it goes in the back of our fridge where it lasts G and I all year.
the goods |
Over the months it becomes an assorted selection of dishes: midnight kimchi grilled cheese, bibimbap topper, kimchi mac and cheese, hang over soondubu kimchi jjigae, kimchi fried rice, bibim guksu, the list goes on and on. Kimchi is both a condiment and side dish, and the longer it ferments, the more sour it gets, which pairs wonderfully with anything fatty.
This year I tried a kimchi experiment in a separate 2 pint jar, filled with kohlrabi and shiso leaves from the red hook CSA. The root vegetable is a fun cross between the cruciferousness of a napa cabbage and the bite of a korean radish, so I feel like it should turn out well.